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This part of the site is largely concerned with our family history. It consists mostly of albums of photographs gleaned from over fifty years of unstructured photography. But it begins with a family tree.

Dahl Family Tree
This was generated by my genealogy software, so forgive the somewhat sparse appearance. I would welcome any corrections or additions to any branch of the family. We could do with more Baduras, Smiljans, Ferbers, and Johnsons!

Norman's Early Photos
These are early pictures of and by Norman. As many of the latter were taken on a Coronet Cub camera and processed at home, the survival of the negatives is miraculous and the quality of the pictures is surprising. Thank heavens for modern photo-correction software!

Norman and Jo's Wedding
This album records events that took place between April and November 1956, during which time we became engaged, married, conceived Chris, and returned from Australia to England - all in all a momentous time. At least, the camera has improved; These photgraphs were taken on a Leica with its classic 50mm folding lens.

Family Holidays
We were never much good at family holidays, and worse still at recording them on camera. However, there were a couple of exceptions in 1966 and 1967. This album will, I hope, bring back some memories to those involved, and show more junior members of the family what their Elders and Betters were like when they were Youngers and Worses.



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